

Price: Carboxytherapy for face 60,00 €

What is carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy is a 5-step rejuvenation procedure. The main factor in the metabolism of epidermal cells is the level of their oxygen supply. Non-injection carboxytherapy is the safest and most natural way to rejuvenate wrinkles in a short time. The procedure is indicated for sagging skin. This is a unique lifting procedure included in the express procedures. Due to the enrichment of the skin with oxygen, the metabolism in the cells is activated, the skin begins to produce more collagen and elastin. Carboxytherapy involves oxygenating the skin by injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) under the skin. When it enters the cells, carbon dioxide decomposes into carbon (C) and oxygen (O2). Carbon is absorbed into the skin without causing harmful side effects. Oxygen, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, not only activates all metabolic and regenerative processes, but also stimulates the production of collagen.

The procedure is also indicated for acne and scarred skin. In addition to the therapeutic effect, carboxytherapy also has a preventive effect, which contributes to the prevention of acne. The procedure reduces both new and old scars.

In connection with the improvement of blood supply and metabolism in the skin, the procedure is indicated for dull, pigmented and tired skin, as it evens out the tone and relief of the skin.


How will this procedure help?

  • express lifting
  • improvement of scars and scars
  • rehabilitation after aggressive rejuvenation procedures
  • increase in tone and elasticity
  • fights acne
  • reduction of rosacea
  • skin color improvement
  • narrowing of pores
  • detox


Who is carboxytherapy suitable for?

The procedure is suitable for all skin types, has no age and seasonal restrictions, does not require recovery time. It is noteworthy that the procedure can be performed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during puberty.


How often can the procedure be done?

The procedure is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a week for 3-4 weeks. The duration of one procedure (face) is about 40 minutes.

The procedure has no contraindications.

Facial treatments, For pregnant
Akne, lifting