
We offer a wide range of beauty services. We have over 100 of them in total. We accept payments by card and in cash.

We are a partner of STEBBY. Before making an appointment, please check if your employer compensates for our services. The service is compensated if the service has a green “Compensated” mark. To make an appointment, add “Stebby” in the comments.

Our loyal customers receive a 10% discount on services and goods within 5 days before and after their birthday.

The services marked in the price list have a 10% discount when buying 4 procedures at once.

Online and birthday discount is not valid for: offers of the month, gift cards, purchased procedures for campaign 4 = -10%.

Facial treatmentsDurationPrice
Clasical treatments/ Cleansing
Facial mechanical cleansing60 min.50 €
Facial mechanical cleansing + AHA acids75 min.55 €
Facial mechanical cleansing + AHA acids + Alginate mask90 min.60 €
Facial mechanical cleansing + Acne IPL treatment75 min.65 €
Facial ultrasonic cleansing60 min.50 €
Facial ultrasonic cleansing + AHA acids75 min.55 €
Facial ultrasonic cleansing + AHA acids + Alginate mask90 min.60 €
Facial ultrasonic cleansing + Acne IPL Treatment75 min.65 €
Vacuum cleansing + Alginate mask60 min.50 €
Combined facial cleansing (mechanical and ultrasound)75 min.55 €
Combined facial cleansing (mechanical and ultrasound)and Acne IPL treatment90 min.70 €
Deep facial cleansing (mechanical and ultrasound)90 min.60 €
Back or decoltee mechanical cleansing60 min.60 €
Back or decoltee combined cleansing75 min.65 €
Back or decoltee deep cleansing90 min.70 €
Classic massage for face60 min.50 €
Classic massage for face, neck and décolleté75 min.55 €
Modelling hiro-massage for face, neck and decollete90 min.65 €
Lifting massage for face, neck and decollete90 min.75 €
Lymphatic drainage massage for face, neck and decollete90 min.60 €
Diamond peeling + Algin mask60 min.50 €
Diamond peeling + massage with organic oil and C-vitamin60 min.55 €
Diamond peeling + AHA acids60 min.55 €
Diamond peeling + AHA acids + Algin mask75 min.60 €
Exosomes treatment (without microneedling) for face, neck and decollete60 min.89 €
ALLINONE our special treatments/
Radiance treatment complex with diamond peeling, ultrasound and cryomassage60 min.55 €
Radiance treatment complex for face, neck and décolleté 75 min.80 €
Unique treatment 4in1: Ultrasonic Cleansing, ultrasonic micromassaage, mesoporatsioon60 min.55 €
Unique treatment 4in1 for face, neck and décolleté 75 min.80 €
5in1 facial treatment Extreme Facelift60 min.55 €
5in1 treatment Extreme Facelift for face, neck and décolleté75 min.80 €
Rejuvenating facial treatment Shine! Ultrasonic cleaning + RF-lifting + mask with seaweed75 min.55 €
Rejuvenating treatment Shine for face, neck and décolleté 90 min.80 €
7in1 facial treatment Dimond Cryo Effect60 min.55 €
7in1 treatment Dimond Cryo Effect for face, neck and décolleté 75 min.80 €
8in1 treatment Peptide Bomb75 min.60 €
8in1 facial treatment Peptide Bomb for face, neck and décolleté 90 min.85 €
9in1 facial treatment Elite75 min.60 €
9in1 treatment Elite for face, neck and décolleté 90 min.85 €
10in1 eye treatment Blefarolift60 min.50 €
11in1 facial treatment Oil Control90 min.60 €
11in1 facial treatment Oil Control for face, neck and décolleté 105 min.90 €
12in1 treatment Lux for face90 min.60 €
12in1 treatment Lux for face, neck and décolleté 105 min.85 €
"Sleeping Beauty" facial treatment75 min.60 €
"Sleeping Beauty" for face, neck and decolette90 min85 €
HyaluronSpray for face75 min.60 €
HyaluronSpray for face, neck and décolleté 90 min.85 €
Silver Detox program + Algin mask60 min.55 €
Silver Detox program + Algin mask for face, neck and décolleté 75 min.80 €
Aged skin
Eldan Rejuvenating treatment Ecta 40+60 min.50 €
Eldan Anti Age 40+ with ultrasound60 min.50 €
Eldan Ialuron treatment60 min.50 €
Problem Skin
Eldan Acnevect treatment with algin mask75 min.50 €
Sensitive/ Couperose skin
Eldan Treatment for Sensitive Skin with Azulene Comfort60 min.50 €
Eldan Antistress treatment 60 min.50 €
Eldan Facial Lifting with C-vitamin and cryomassage C-Shock60 min.50 €
For Men
Eldan Anti Age treatment for men60 min.60 €
Eldan Treatment for men with ultrasound60 min.60 €
PeelingsDurationPrice4 = -10%
Green peel FRESH UP for face60 min.75 €67,5 €
Green peel FRESH UP for face, neck and decollete75 min.109 €98,1 €
Green peel FRESH UP in addition to any facials -40%60 min.45 €
RF Lifting + Green peel FRESH UP for face75 min.95 €85,5 €
RF Lifting + Green peel FRESH UP for face, neck and decollete90 min.139 €125,1 €
Green peel ENERGY for face60 min.95 €85,5 €
Green peel ENERGY for face, neck and decollete75 min.139 €125,1 €
BioRePeelCl3 for face 60 min.89 €80,1 €
BioRePeelCl3 for face and neck60 min.99 €89,1 €
BioRePeelCl3 for face, neck and decolette60 min.109 €98,1 €
RF Lifting + BioRePeelCl3 for face75 min.109 €98,1 €
RF Lifting + BioRePeelCl3 for face and neck 80 min.129 €116,1 €
RF Lifting + BioRePeelCl3 for face, neck and decolette90 min.149 €134,1 €
PRX-T33 for face60 min.89 €80,1 €
PRX-T33 for face and neck60 min.109 €98,1 €
PRX-T33 for face, neck and decolette60 min.159 €143,1 €
RF Lifting + PRX-T33 for face 75 min.109 €98,1 €
RF Lifting + PRX-T33 for face and neck 80 min.139 €125,1 €
RF Lifting + PRX-T33 for face, neck and decolette90 min.199 €179,1 €
Apple-almond AHA peeling Eldan60 min.50 €45 €
EldanOily Skin peeling 27%60 min.50 €45 €
Eldan Renew Glycolic peeling 50%60 min.55 €49,5 €
PQAge peeling60 min.65 €54 €
Innoaesthetics TC peeling60 min.60 €54 €
Innoaesthetics MCA35 Biorevitalizing peel 60 min.65 €58,5 €
Innoaesthetics Ultimate Eye Corrector peel30 min.50 €45€
Mediderma Resorpeel60 min.65 €58,5 €
Mediderma Retises CT retinol peeling60 min.65 €58,5 €
Ferulac Plus peel60 min.65 €49,5 €
Ferulac Classic peel60 min.55 €58,5 €
Purles S Peel 20% (15% salitsüülhape)60 min.60 €54 €
Apparatus Cosmetology
AI Facial Skin Diagnostics DurationPrice
AI Facial Skin Diagnostics45 min.50 €
AI Facial Skin Diagnostics with facial cleansing (ultrasound or mechanical)90 min.80 €
AI Facial Skin Diagnostics if buy facial treatments or Eldan home care at the same time for 250€45 min.Free
Second AI Facial diagnostics during 6 months for regular client30 min.20 €
Micro-Lifting DurationPrice4 = -10%
Micro-Lifting for face and neck75 min.75 €67,5 €
Micro-Lifting for one zone in addition to any facial -50% (nasolabial folds, perioral wrinkles, lines around the eyes, forehead wrinkles)30 min.37,5 €
Aqua peel DurationPrice4 = -10%
Aqua peel face60 min.55 €49,5 €
Aqua peel face, deck and decolette75 min.75 €67,5 €
Perfectio X rejuvenationDurationPrice4 = -10%
Perfectio X rejuvenationwith red light for face60 min.69 €62,1 €
Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light for face, deck and decolette75 min.89 €80,1 €
Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light in addition to any facial treatment -50%15 min.34,5 €
Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light + RF Lifting for face60 min.79 €71,1 €
Perfectio X facial rejuvenation with red light + RF Lifting for face, neck and decollete75 min.99 €89,1 €
Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light + Microcurrent therapy for face60 min.79 €71,1 €
Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light + Microcurrent therapy for face, neck and decollete75 min.99 €89,1 €
Aqua peel + Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light + Carboxy therapy for face75 min.89 €80,1 €
Aqua peel + Perfectio X rejuvenation with red light + Carboxy therapy for face, neck and decollete90 min.109 €98,1 €
Saphire X acne treatmentDurationPrice4 = -10%
Sapphire X acne treatment for face60 min.69 €62,1 €
Sapphire X acne treatment for face, deck and decolette75 min.89 €80,1 €
Sapphire X acne treatment in addition to any facial treatment -50%15 min.34,5 €
NANOASIADurationPrice4 = -10%
NanoAsia lifting for face60 min.69 €62,1 €
NanoAsia lifting for face, neck and décolleté75 min.89 €80,1 €
NanoAsia multi-peptide biorevitalization for face60 min.69 €62,1 €
NanoAsia multi-peptide biorevitalization for face, neck and décolleté75 min.89 €80,1 €
RF LiftingDurationPrice4 = -10%
RF Lifting for face with collagen mask50 min.55 €49,5 €
RF Lifting for face and neck with collagen mask60 min.65 €58,5 €
RF Lifting for face, neck and decolette with collagen mask75 min.75 €67,5 €
VacuLiftingDurationPrice4 = -10%
VacuLifting for face with algin mask60 min.55 €49,5 €
VacuLifting for face, neck and decolette with algin mask75 min.75 €67,5 €
Apparatus no needle mesotherapyDurationPrice4 = -10%
Apparatus no needle mesotherapy for face40 min.55 €49,5 €
Apparatus no needle mesotherapy for face and neck50 min.65 €58,5 €
Apparatus no needle mesotherapy for face, neck and decolette60 min.75 €67,5 €
Oxygen mesotherqapyDurationPrice4 = -10%
Oxygen mesotherqapy for face60 min.55 €49,5 €
Oxygen mesotherqapy for face, neck and decolette75 min.75 €67,5 €
IPL Skin rejuvenation faceDurationPrice4 = -10%
IPL Skin rejuvenation face40 min.60 €54 €
IPL Skin rejuvenation face, neck and décolleté60 min.85 €76,5 €
Coolite laser skin rejuvenationDurationPrice4 = -10%
Coolite laser skin rejuvenation face45 min.75 €67,5 €
Coolite laser skin rejuvenation face, neck and décolleté60 min.115 €103,5 €
Microcurrent therapyDurationPrice4 = -10%
Microcurrent therapy for face60 min.55 €67,5 €
Microcurrent therapy for face in addition to any facial treatment -30%15 min.38,5 €103,5 €
CarboxytherapyDurationPrice4 = -10%
Carboxytherapy for the face45 min.60 €54 €
Carboxytherapy for the face in addition to any facial treatment -40%20 min.36 €
Carboxytherapy for the face at the same time with body treatment -30%45 min.42 €
Carbon piilingDurationPrice4 = -10%
Carbon peeling for the face 60 min.  75 €67,5 €
Carbon peeling for face and décolleté90 min.  115 €103,5 €
ThermoliftingDurationPrice4 = -10%
Thermolifting (cheeks)20 min.55 €49,5 €
Thermolifting (forehead)15 min.45 €40,5 €
Thermolifting (eyes)15 min.45 €40,5 €
Thermolifting (neck)15 min.45 €40,5 €
ColdplasmaDurationPrice4 = -10%
Coldplasma for face75 min.60 €54 €
Coldplasma for face, neck and decollete90 min.85 €76,5 €
4D Fractional RF LiftingDurationPrice4 = -10%
4D Fractional RF Lifting for face60 min.  75 €67,5 €
4D Fractional RF Lifting for face, neck and and décolleté90 min.  115 €103,5 €
Removal of pigment spotsDurationPrice4 = -10%
Pigmentation (face)40 min.80 €72 €
Pigmentation (cheeks)15 min.50 €45 €
Pigmentation (forehead)15 min.40 €36 €
Pigmentation (neck)15 min.50 €45 €
Pigmentation (nose)15 min.40 €36 €
IPL Removal of pigmentsDurationPrice
Face50 min.50 €
Forehead30 min.30 €
Nose20 min.30 €
Cheek20 min.30 €
Cheeks (both sides)40 min.40 €
Diameter of 3 cm ²20 min.30 €
Removal of vascularsDurationPrice
Capillary spots up to 2 cm² (price per each spot)15 min.40 €
Spider veins (up to 2 cm²)15 min.60 €
Nose40 min.70 €
Cheeks40 min.60 €
Cheeks (both)60 min.80 €
Haemangioma15 min.40 €
IPL Removal of capillariesDurationPrice
An one capillary (3 cm ² or period)20 min.30 €
Vessel (up to 3 cm ²)20 min.40 €
Nose30 min.40 €
Cheek30 min.30 €
Cheeks (both sides)30 min.40 €
IPL Anti Acne TreatmentDurationPrice4 = -10%
Face60 min.50 €54 €
Neck + Face80 min.65 €58,5 €
Back60 min.75 €67,5 €
Innoaesthetics Mesotherapy with dermoroller/ mesopenDurationPrice4 = -10%
Exosomes with microneedling mesopen for face, neck and décolleté75 min.119 €107,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face (PRX T33 +Microneedling mesopen)75 min.119 €107,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face and neck (PRX T33 + Microneedling mesopen)75 min.149 €134,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face, neck and decollete (PRX T33 + Microneedling mesopen)90 min.209 €188,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face (BioRePeelCl3 + Microneedling mesopen)75 min.109 €98,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face and neck (BioRePeelCl3 + Microneedling mesopen)75 min.139 €125,1 €
Liquid laser rejuvenation" for face, neck and decollete (BioRePeelCl3 + Microneedling mesopen)90 min.169 €152,1 €
Innoaesthetics Mesotherapy for face with mesopen (Vitamin Complex or Hyaluronic Acid)60 min.55 €49,5 €
Mesotherapy for face, neck and décolleté with dermoroller /mesopen75 min.75 €67,5 €
Mesotherapy for eye contour Dermaheal45 min.55 €49,5 €
Luxe Mesotherapy for face with dermoroller/mesopen (Innoaesthetics Dna Pept-Ha or Restructurer or Firming)60 min.65 €58,5 €
Luxe Mesotherapy for face, neck and decollete with dermoroller/mesopen75 min.85 €76,5 €
Mesotherapy for hair Innoaesthetics Hair Vital 60 min.55 €49,5 €
Biorevitalization90 min.155 €
Profhilo90 min.275 €
FIBROBLAST mimic wrinkles on the forehead75 min.100,00 €
FIBROBLAST upper eyelids75 min.150,00 €
FIBROBLAST lower eyelids75 min.150,00 €
FIBROBLAST cheeks90 min.180,00 €
FIBROBLAST nasolabial folds75 min.120,00 €
FIBROBLAST wrinkles around the lips90 min.180,00 €
FIBROBLAST décolleté90 min.200,00 €
FIBROBLAST postnatal stretch marks
the price is negotiable , need a preliminary consultation
Ear PiercingDurationPrice
1 Ear (together with an earring Stydex system)30 min.30 €
2 Ears (together with an earring Stydex system)30 min.45 €
1 Helix30 min.22 €
2 Helixes30 min.32 €
1 Helix (together with an earring Stydex system)30 min.30 €
2 Helixes (together with an earring Stydex system)30 min.45 €
Led Natural Teeth WhiteningDurationPrice2 treatment after 2 month
Led Natural Teeth Whitening60 min.50,00 €40,00 €
Coolite laserepilation for womanDurationPrice
Women's XS package (armpits + shins)45 min.99 €
Women's S package (armpits + deep bikini)45 min.104 €
Women's M package (armpits + shins + deep bikini)60 min.157 €
Upper lip / Women10 min.30 €
Chin / Women10 min.30 €
Upper lip + Chin / Women15 min.50 €
Cheeks / Women15 min.45 €
Face / Women20 min.60 €
Neck / Women15 min.40 €
Shoulders / Women15 min.40 €
From wrist to elbow / Women20 min.45 €
From elbow to shoulder / Women20 min.45 €
Hands full / Women30 min.75 €
Armpits / Women15 min.40 €
Nipple area / Women10 min.30 €
Chest / Women15 min.40 €
Belly line / Women10 min.30 €
Belly / Women20 min.50 €
Bikini line / Women20 min.50 €
Deep bikini area for women (Brazil): bikini and intimate area30 min.70 €
Buttocks / Women20 min.50 €
Lower back / Women15 min.40 €
Back / Women30 min.60 €
Shins / Women30 min.65 €
Thighs / Women40 min.80 €
Knees / Women15 min.30 €
Shins + thighs + knees / Women60 min.140 €
Fingers and toes10 min.30 €
Coolite laserepilation for manDurationPrice
Men's S package (armpits + deep intimate area)45 min.157 €
Men's M package (armpits + stomach + deep intimate area)75 min.221 €
Upper lip / Men15 min.40 €
Chin / Men15 min.40 €
Cheeks / Men20 min.60 €
Face / Men30 min.75 €
Neck / Men20 min.50 €
Shoulders / Men20 min.60 €
From wrist to elbow / Men25 min.60 €
From elbow to shoulder / Men25 min.60 €
Hands full / Men40 min.90 €
Underarms / Men15 min.45 €
Chest / Men30 min.80 €
Stomach / Men30 min.80 €
Bikini line / Men20 min.80 €
Deep intimate area / Men30 min.120 €
Buttocks / Men25 min.80 €
Back / Men40 min.120 €
Shins / Men40 min.80 €
Thighs / Men50 min.100 €
Knees / Men15 min.30 €
Shins + thighs + knees / Men60 min.180 €
Upper lip15 min.30 €
Neck20 min.30 €
Chin15 min.40 €
Cheeks20 min.30 €
Eyebrows20 min.20 €
From wrist to elbow30 min.30 €
From elbow to shoulder30 min.30 €
Armpits20 min.30 €
Bikini line30 min.30 €
Deep bikini (brasilia): Bikini + intimate zone40 min.50 €
Buttocks20 min.40 €
Female bust20 min.30 €
Male breast30 min.50 €
Female belly20 min.30 €
Male belly40 min.60 €
Back60 min.70 €
Shins45 min.50 €
Tights45 min.60 €
Knees30 min.20 €
Shins + thighs + knees75 min.90 €
Fingers and toes20 min.20 €
Depilation by wax/shugaring S zone (armpits + deep bikini)60 min.55 €
Depilation by wax/shugaring M (armpits+shin+deep bikini)80 min.65 €
Depilation by wax/shugaring L (armpits+legs+deep bikini)90 min.75 €
Depilation by wax/shugaring XL (armpits+legs+deep bikini+hands)120 min.85 €
Vajacial bikini treatment60 min.50 €
Legs depilation by wax/shugaring45 min.45 €
Armpits depilation by wax/shugaring15 min.25 €
Hands depilation by wax/shugaring30 min.30 €
Shins depilation by wax/shugaring30 min. 30 €
Tights depilation by wax/shugaring30 min. 32 €
Deep bikini (brasilia): bikini + intimate zone depilation by wax/shugaring45 min.40 €
SPA Treatment: Deep bikini (brasilia) depilation by wax/shugaring + cleansing75 min.65 €
Buttocks depilation by wax/shugaring15 min.28 €
Cheeks depilation by wax15 min.18 €
Waxing depilation Chin15 min.12 €
Waxing depilation Upper lip15 min.12 €
Body treatmentsDurationPrice4x = -10%
4in1 LaserWell: 4-in-1 Body Contouring Technology40 min.70 €63 €
4in1 LaserWell same time with facial -20% (also book a facial treatment)40 min.56 €
InfraSlim Body Contouring40 min.50 €45 €
InfraSlim same time with facial -20% (also book a facial treatment)40 min.40 €
HiFu Focushape (1 area)45 min.79 €71,1 €
HiFu Focushape (1 area) 45 min + Pressotherapy 30 min75 min.99 €89,1 €
HiFu Focushape (1 area) 45 min + Infrared blanket 40 min85 min.99 €89,1 €
Cryoliposaction 1 area75 min.140 €126 €
Cryoliposaction for abdomen same time with any facial treatment -20%60 min.112 €
Cryoliposaction 1 area + Pressotherapy 30 min120 min.160 €144 €
Cryoliposaction for abdomen + Pressotherapy 30 min same time with any facial treatment -20%90 min.128 €
Velashape 30 min30 min.40 €36 €
Velashape 45 min45 min.50 €45 €
Velashape 30 min + Pressotherapy 30 min60 min.60 €54 €
Velashape 30 min + Pressotherapy 40 min
at the same time with body wraps
70 min.90 €81 €
RF Lipolysis30 min.45 €40,5 €
RF Lipolysis 20 min + Vela Shape 20 min40 min.60 €54 €
HIFU LipoSonix 1 area45 min.70 €63 €
VacuShape 30 min + BrazilButt Lift 15 min45 min.45 €40,5 €
Body Wraps60 min.45 €36 €
Epsom, Cryo or Detox bandage wrap at the same time with infrared blanket60 min.60 € 54 €
Epsom, Cryo or Detox Body Wrapping with infrared blanket and same time with facial treatment -20%60 min.48 €
Bandage wrap at the same time as pressotherapy60 min.60 €54 €
Bandage wrap at the same time with pressotherapy and facial treatment -20% 60 min.48 €
Anti-cellulite massage 30 min + BrazilButt Lift 15 45 min.40 €36 €
Pressotherapy40 min.30 €27 €
Pressotherapy same time with any facial treatment -20%40 min.24 €
Infrared blanket40 min.30 €27 €
Infrared blanket at the same time with any facial treatment -20% (without decollete area)40 min.24 €
Laserliposuction 50 min.30 €27 €
Laserliposuction 30 min + Limfo. massage 15 min45 min.45 €40,5 €
Laserliposuction 30 min + Limfo. massage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min75 min.55 €49,5 €
Laserliposuction 30 min + Pressotherapy 30min60 min.45 €40,5 €
Cavitation 30 min + Pressotherapy 30 min60 min.45 €40,5 €
Cavitation 30 min + Limfo. massage 15 min45 min.45 € 40,5 €
Cavitation 30 min + Limfo. massage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min75 min.55 €49,5 €
Cavitation or Laserliposuction or Cavitatio 30 min + Limfo. massage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min75 min.50 €45 €
Miostimulatsioon40 min.30 €27 €
Tripolar 30 min + Cavitation/Limfo. massage 15 min60 min.45 €40,5 €
Nail CareDurationPrice
Manicure with Gel Polish: removal and coating75 min38 €
Manicure without gel polish30 min.28 €
French manicure with Gel Polish: removal and coating90 min.45 €
Japan manicure60 min.34 €
SPA Manicure with Gel Polish: removal and coating90 min.48 €
IBX treatment60 min.34 €
IBX treatment with Gel Polish: removal and coating60 min.45 €
Nails levelling with Gel Polish: removal and coating90 min.45 €
Kids manicure without gel polish30 min.15 €
Kids manicure with gel polish40 min.20 €
Removal of the Gel polish with manicure60 min.30 €
Removal of the Gel polish without manicure20 min.20 €
Gel Nail Extension (medium length)180 min.50 €
Gel Nail Extension (long length)180 min.65 €
Gel Nail Infils (medium length)120 min.45 €
Gel Nail Infils (long length)150 min.60 €
Removal of nail extensions with manicure60 min.34 €
Removal of nail extensions without manicure30 min.24 €
Removal of nail extensions + Gel polish coating105 min.45 €
Aparatus Pedicure SMART with gel polish: removal and coating90 min.50 €
Aparatus Pedicure SMART without gel polish60 min.45 €
SPA Pedicure with Gel Polish105 min.60 €
SPA Pedicure without Gel Polish75 min.55 €
Removal of Gel Polish30 min.20 €
Eyelashes/ EyebrowsDurationPrice
Classical Eyelash Extensions/ maintenance90 min.45 €
2D, 3D eyelash Extensions/ Maintenance120 min.50 €
Hollywood eyelash Extensions/ Maintenance180 min.60 €
Removal of Eyelashes30 min.20 €
Lash Lift eyelashes perming and tinting + Lash Filler60 min.35 €
iCurl perming eyelashes and tinting60 min.35 €
Eyelash lamination (LashLift + Lamination)75 min.40 €
Eyebrows lamination (Modeling + Lamination)75 min.40 €
LashBotox (LashLift + LashBotox + Lamination)90 min.50 €
Eyelashes and eyebrows lamination90 min.68 €
LashBotox + Eyebrows lamination + Brow Filler90 min.74 €
Eyelashes and eyebrows lamination + Lash&Brow Filler90 min.74 €
Modeling of eyebrows and dying by tint/ or henna60 min.28 €
Modeling of eyebrows without dying45 min.20 €
Correction of eyebrows shape and dying30 min.28 €
Correction of eyebrows and dying + Eyelashes dying 45 min.30 €
Dying of eyelashes and eyebrows45 min.24 €
Dying of eyelashes or eyebrows15 min.18 €
Correction of eyebrows without tinting15 min.18 €
Permanent MakeupDurationPrice4xtimes
Eyebrows powder shading180 min.185 €
Eyebrows hairstrokes180 min.185 €
Eyelash line120 min.185 €
Eyeliner with shading120 min.185 €
Lips contour + shading 180 min.185 €
Second procedure (within 3 months)120 min.100 €
Second procedure (within 4-12 months)120 min.120 €
Permanent makeup refresh after 1-2 years120 min.145 €
work of another technician (based on the price list of the new work)
Tattoo and permanent make-up removal
Permanent Makeup removal eyebrows20 min.50 €180 €
Permanent Makeup removal eyes20 min.50 €180 €
Permanent Makeup removal lips20 min.50 €180 €
Tattoo removal cm2 (The min. price for the procedure 50 EUR)10 €
Make UpDurationPrice
Daily make up60 min.30 €
Evening make up90 min.40 €