Perfectio X rejuvenation

Perfectio X rejuvenation

Price: Perfectio X for the face 90 € / for the face, neck and décolleté 120 €

If you buy 4 procedures at once, a 20% discount applies.

What is Perfectio X?

Perfectio X is an infrared LED device that emits energy in the red and infrared regions of the spectrum. The device is used to treat multiple signs of aging to reduce wrinkles on the face, improve the appearance of the skin. A revolutionary class II device according to the FDA.

How does it affect the skin?

Perfectio X technology gently provides the skin with the precise dose of energy to simultaneously produce collagen and elastin fibers, gently fading away the signs of aging in all three layers of the skin. It naturally fills in and removes fine lines and wrinkles while tightening the skin.

Result after procedures:

  • elastic and tightened skin,
  • wrinkle reduction,
  • complexion improvement,
  • skin moisturizing,
  • improvement of blood circulation,
  • production of collagen and elastin,
  • reduction in pigmentation.

Perfectio X and his wonderful light:

This is the same light that NASA uses to grow plants in space – providing a deeper and more effective treatment for all layers of the skin. Light affects the epidermis, dermis and the entire inner layer – the hypodermis, while producing more collagen. As a result, the skin looks healthier and younger. In addition, red light supports the production of cells, collagen fibers and elastin.

How many procedures does the course contain?

The course is from 4 to 8 procedures. The procedure is done once a week and can be combined with other procedures.

Feelings during the procedure:

During a Perfectio X session, you may feel a slight warmth. You may also notice slight redness of the skin. This is normal and should go away within 24-48 hours.


  • pregnancy and lactation
  • epilepsy
  • lupus erythematosus
  • oncology
  • radiation or chemotherapy
  • sensitivity to light
  • active skin disease in the area being treated, including ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, sunburn, herpes, open sores or rashes.
Apparatus cosmetology, Facial treatments, New treatments
perfecio x омоложение, perfectio x, морщины, омоложение