IPL removal of capillaries

IPL removal of capillaries

How are capillaries removed?

When a flash is applied to the skin, the light energy is absorbed by hemoglobin. As a result of this, the walls of the vessel stick together, and it ceases to function. Small vessels are removed without a trace, large vascular spots, hemangiomas turn pale and significantly decrease in size. The impact is only on the walls of the capillaries, and the surrounding skin is not injured. The patient experiences little to no discomfort, and redness from exposure to light disappears after 15-30 minutes.

The advantages of the selective coagulation method (from the Latin Coagulatio – clotting, thickening) are minimizing the risk of scarring, injury to surrounding tissues and a significant reduction in the healing period.

The procedure for removing the vascular network and vascular “asterisks” is safe and highly effective: as a result, we get an excellent aesthetic effect – clean healthy skin, without violating the integrity of the skin.

The result is highly effective for:

• Treatment of the vascular network;
• Removal of spider veins
• Removal of rosacea skin;
• Removal of nasal vessels;
• Treatment of rosacea;
Most often, 5-6 sessions are enough to remove the vascular network, in the case of a vascular tumor, the number of light therapy procedures increases to 7-10 sessions. Red spots completely disappear in 70% of patients, and in the rest they significantly brighten (incomplete disappearance of the spot is associated with a deeper occurrence of blood vessels under the skin).

The procedure is carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. After the first sessions, the vascular spot may darken, become more noticeable for several days.

Complete or almost complete disappearance of facial vascular formations is observed in 90% of patients. Dilated vessels of the cheeks and nose are treated without problems.

What do you need to know before the procedure?

• Sunbathing and the use of self-tanning creams should be avoided 2 weeks before the procedure and during the treatment period. We recommend using sunscreen during treatment.
• We do not recommend to carry out procedures during menstruation, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
• The surface to be treated must be free of permanent make-up, scars or tattoos.
• Before the procedure, the use of creams, perfumes and decorative cosmetics on the treated area should be avoided.
• The procedure cannot be performed in certain forms of diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. Oncological diseases, infectious diseases, and acute herpes are also obstacles for phototherapy.
• Guaranteed promises are untenable. It is impossible to predict in how many sessions the vascular defect will disappear.
• Spider veins on the face, varicose veins, vascular spots – a signal that the vessels need to be strengthened.

IPL Removal of capillariesPrice / €
An one capillary (3 cm ² or period)30 €
Vessel (up to 3 cm ²)40 €
Nose40 €
Cheek30 €
Cheeks (both sides)40 €
Apparatus cosmetology, Facial treatments