Price: Eldan Ialuron treatment 55 €
IALURON is ELDAN’s latest line of cosmetic facial products based on hyaluronic acid.
IALURON series products provide skin hydration necessary for effective:
Due to its biological properties, hyaluronic acid is considered a “fountain of youth”, designed to prevent the appearance of signs of aging.
Hyaluronic acid is present in the skin. It has the property of storing a large amount of water (up to a thousand times its own weight). With adverse factors such as sun exposure, dehydration of the skin and wounds, hyaluronic acid contributes to the recovery and healing process, providing firmness and elasticity.
The hyaluronic acid in IALURON is made from sodium salt, meaning it is technically sodium hyaluronate. Soda hyaluronate has a much smaller molecular size than hyaluronic acid, making it much easier to penetrate into the epidermis. Because of this, applying hyaluronate soda to the skin helps it absorb water more efficiently and also reduces transepidermal water loss.
This remedy also promotes skin microcirculation and nutrient absorption, helping to maintain a normal metabolism. Due to its excellent moisturizing properties, hyaluronate soda makes the skin smoother, softer and firmer, reducing wrinkles and improving the overall appearance of the skin.