12 step Lux facial treatment

12 step deep cleansing lifting anti-aging facial treatment.

Price: 12in1 treatment Lux for face 65 € /for face, neck and decollete 90 €

An exclusive facial treatment combines several cosmetic procedures, as a result of which the skin is “tightened” and strengthened. The procedure stimulates the elimination of toxins, smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin a healthy tone and natural glow.

What is included in the procedure?

  • Skin cleansing – the face is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities accumulated during the day to prepare the skin for the procedure.
  • Gommage exfoliating cream – provides gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells and regenerates skin cells.
  • Peeling with AHA acids stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, eliminates hyperkeratosis and dryness of the skin, increases the density of the epidermis, increases the elasticity of the dermis, smoothes wrinkles, skin texture, tone and reduces hyperpigmentation, significantly narrows pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Cleansing the skin with ultrasonic peeling: the skin is deeply cleansed and nourished, it becomes smoother and more radiant, fine wrinkles disappear.
  • Darsonvalization is a treatment procedure that improves skin tone, reduces inflammation, and eliminates fine wrinkles.
  • The introduction of Anti Age serum + gel with hyaluronic acid by ultrasound is an alternative to injections; With the help of ultrasound, active substances are introduced into the deep layers of the skin.
  • Cryotherapy: improves facial skin and eliminates various skin defects
  • Relaxing facial massage with a modulating lifting cream – improves blood circulation, increasing facial skin tone and elasticity, making the skin radiant.
  • Eye mask for wrinkle prevention.
  • Facial Collagen Mask: Strengthens the skin, stimulates the elimination of toxins, smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin a healthy tone and natural glow.
  • Hyaluronic acid day cream
  • Eye cream.

Result after the procedure:

  • Improves complexion;
  • The skin receives all the necessary vitamins, amino acids and trace elements;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • The pores are noticeably narrowed;
  • Improves skin tone;
  • The skin becomes smooth, hydrated and radiant.

The procedure is suitable for any skin type. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-1.45 hours.


open bleeding and blood clotting problems, cancer, pregnancy and lactation, wounds, mental illness.

Facial treatments
lifting, massaz, puhastus, Ultrahelipuhastus