

What is сryoliposaction?

Cryoliposaction – a unique method of removing excess fat deposits by low temperature exposure, which results in a slow but steady reduction in the amount of adipose tissue, and the process of breaking down fat cells continues for 2 to 4 months after the procedure. During all this time, the volume of adipose tissue decreases and the result is visible in the treated areas, while everything looks natural and the body silhouette takes on a streamlined shape.

Up to 25% of fat is removed from the problem areas – waist, abdomen, back and thighs in one session. It is a very effective procedure with a lasting and long-lasting result.

What parts of the body is effective for cryoliposaction?

The cryoliposaction procedure easily copes with fat deposits that cannot be eliminated even with the help of intense physical training and strict diets. It is worth noting that the result can be maintained for a long time with regular physical activity and proper nutrition.

The cryoliposaction procedure can be done on these zones:

  • stomach
  • waist
  • knees
  • thigs
  • back

Why cryoliposaction?

Сryoliposaction has a number of positive properties, including safety, non-invasiveness, painlessness (the procedure is performed without the slightest injury to the skin), the absence of a toxic effect, as well as the high accuracy of cold on body fat. After cryolipolysis, there may sometimes be slight itching or numbness due to exposure to cold, as well as slight redness.

All these manifestations are short-term and will not affect the normal way of life, to which you can return immediately.

How many procedures need to be done and when will the result be visible?

For best results, the procedure should be done once a month. A course of procedures from 3 or more. During one session, up to 25% of fat is removed from problem areas – waist, abdomen, back and hips. It is a very effective procedure with long lasting results. The process of destruction of fat cells continues for about two to two and a half months after the procedure.

After the cryoliposaction procedure:

After cryoliposaction, there may sometimes be slight itching or numbness due to exposure to cold, as well as slight redness. All these manifestations are short-term and will not affect the normal way of life, to which you can return immediately.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • circulatory disorders in the zone of exposure to cold (pathologies of blood clotting, thrombosis, etc.), the use of anticoagulants; violations of skin sensitivity;
  • recent trauma in the treatment area, including damage to blood vessels (bleeding, hemorrhage);
  • open and / or infected wounds, inflammatory processes, recent surgical procedures in the cold treatment area; pronounced lesions of the skin (extensive scar) or subcutaneous tissues (hernia) in the affected area;
  • pathological sensitivity to cold;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of a pacemaker.
Price / €4x times
Cryoliposuction for 1 area140 €448 €
Cryoliposuction for 1 area + Pressotherapy 30 min160 €512 €
Cryoliposuction abdominal area + Pressotherapy 30 min same time with facial treatment -20% (also book a facial treatment)128 €
Cryoliposuction abdominal area same time with feacial treatment -20% (also book a facial treatment)112 €
Body treatments
krüolipolüüs, Krüolüpolüüs