2in1 Tripollar and cavitation

2in1 Tripollar/RF lifting and cavitation

If you buy 4 procedures at once, a 10% discount will be applied.

The treatment consists of anti-cellulite and weight-reducing body treatments: Tripollar lipolysis and cavitation.

Tripollar lipolysis melts subcutaneous fat in places that are not amenable to diet and regular exercise. Cavitation breaks down subcutaneous fat and removes the split fat from the body with the help of the lymphatic system. The impact of these two procedures gives a double effect of reducing body volume and cellulite.

The number of sessions is individual, on average 4-8 procedures are enough with an interval of one week.

The result of exposure to Tripollar lipolysis and cavitation:

• Strong reduction in body weight and reduction of the fat layer

• Strengthening sagging muscles and restoring the elasticity of sagging tissues

• Thanks to the restoration of collagen in tissues and the acceleration of the recovery process, the skin becomes soft and smooth

• The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

Tripolar and cavitation contraindications:

• pregnancy and lactation

• disorders of fat metabolism

• chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys

• metal in the impact zone or interelectrode space

• disorders of the immune system and disorders of the circulatory system

• the presence of open wounds and other damage to the skin

• uncompensated stages of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

• other serious medical conditions require a doctor’s note.

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Price / €4 = -10%
Kavitatsioon 30 min + Pressoteraapia 35 min45€162 €
Cavitation 30 min + Lümfomassage 15 min45 €162 €
Laserliposaktsioon 30 min + Pressoteraapia 20 min + Miostimulatsioon 30 min55 €198 €
3in1: Cavitation 30 min + Lümfomassage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min55 €198 €
Trpolar 30min + Cavitation või Lümfomassage 15 min45 €162 €
Laserliposuction 30 min + Lümfomassage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min55 €198 €
3 in 1: Cavitation 30min + Lümfomassage 15 min + Miostimulation 30 min55 €198 €
Body treatments
anti-cellulite, cavitation, Tripollar